How to Write a Copyright Notice
Wondering whether you need a copyright notice and if so, where to put it...? No need to fret. We got you covered.
Quick refresher: a “copyright” is the original creator of a work’s exclusive right to reproduce and distribute that work.
For purposes of copyright protection, a “work” can be a photo, article, drawing, painting, course, book, music, video, software, advertising, map, choreography, or other type of creative work.
If you are the original creator of the work, you will automatically have copyright protection as soon as you publish it or put it out into the world for others to see.
Although copyright notices are not generally required to protect your copyrighted work, copyright notices put others on notice of your rights to your work.
We recommend that you put copyright notices on or near your work no matter what. That way, you’ll have more proof that others are on notice that they can distribute your work without proper credit and permission.
So…how do you do it?! It’s not difficult, just follow the below formula:
© + Year Work Created + Your Name or Business Name. + All Rights Reserved.
© 2021 Iluma Law Firm, PLLC. All Rights Reserved.
Here are a few examples of where to place your copyright notices:
In the footer of your website.
At the end of an article you wrote.
At the beginning of a book you wrote.
In the description or credits of a video you created.
On each page of any worksheets or content you created.
In the footer of any emails you send out to your email list.
Have questions about trademarks and copyrights? We have answers!
Disclaimer: This information is provided for general information purposes only and should not be construed as legal advice with respect to any matter. This information is not intended to be an exhaustive list of the topics discussed. It does not create an attorney-client relationship and should not be used as a substitute for legal advice in any specific situation.
© 2021 Iluma Law Firm, PLLC. All rights reserved.